About Us

We are a small design and consulting firm established out Virginia, USA.  Our staff have over 10 years average experience as design, test, integration, production and customer support engineers.  Concept development, simulation, PCB design, and cloud solutions are our specialties.


Over the years, we have been incredibly moved by stories of missing persons and abductions.  It is so sad to know that adults and children vanish without a trace.  These stories have touch us so much, that we have formed this company around the motivation of creating a line of products and services which may help in these situations.  Our goal is to create products which are small enough to have all the time, work anywhere, last long enough on battery that they can truly be used in time of need, and are secure enough that the integrity of data is unquestioned.  15% of all profit on these devices will be donated to charities across the world.

Most product on the market today fall short in one of several areas in providing a true search and rescue capability.  Distance: many of the products today are using short range communications and fail to work if outside range of receiver (such as bluetooth or wifi).  Power: many of the products need to be charged daily.  This is a major issue as when these devices are truly needed they will not be able to be charged. Size: a third issues with may products is size.  The device needs to be as small as possible to ensure it is not a burden to carry as well is reducing the likelihood it is detected.  Cost: Many products out simply cost too much for the standard consumer.  Our expertise in design have allowed us to develop incredibly low cost products.

Taking this motivation and knowledge of the issues with today's platforms our expert engineers have developed products which can work anywhere, last many weeks to months, and are an incredibly small form factor.